Tuesday, September 16, 2014

... but not yet

Have you ever come across something and thought to yourself, "Amazing! I've got to tell someone about this!"  And then you break out into song, as this fish does?

Sometimes I feel that way.  And from now on, when I do, I'll write it here (but we'll see how long that lasts).  Not everything will be amazing... some will just be "neat" or "pretty cool".

I've wanted to have a spot to announce these awesome findings for a while now, so the first few posts will be the backlog of all those things that seemed amazing at the time.  I'm generally keen on techie stuff, so that's probably going to be the majority of posts right there.  As for the rest, we'll see

So then, until my first real post of interest, here's a link to the full transcript of that quote:

Edit:  I just realized I linked to an audio-only youtube video - oops!  Well, trust me, it's great.  And btw, the fact that I am referencing Spongebob in my very first post is not an indication of what to expect here.  Not really.

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